Friday, December 10, 2010

WEEK 3...

People often see a broken family as a strange and hard situation to have. but for me, being a part of a broken family doesn't put me to shame. So what, If I have my parents separated. At least I have and I can both see them alive. they both care about me and my older sister. They're still supporting our needs and wants. I grew up in my Father and Grandmother's care. my aunts and uncle's also supports us a lot. but there is always this feeling of missing your mom. I can only see her once a year because she lives in switzerland. now that I have my own thinking, maybe it is not bad to have a broken family after all.

Friday, December 3, 2010


My week was fun. I spent my whole week with my friends. We did the things we did before like playing caomputer games together, joking each other and playing around with them. last week I need time for everything, but this week, i don't really know why, but I have all the time for everything such as my friends and my likes. next week, I want to make my week wonderful by doing all the things I like.